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About Naked Planet

No editorials,

No opinions,

Just facts.

Naked Planet was created to bring you the latest news uncensored and without an opinion or editorial. The news media and large tech companies have decided that the information being disseminated to the citizens of this planet needs to be censored or editorialized. 


Well, here it is to the best of our abilities, uncensored without an editorial from someone that thinks they are smarter than you. 


Our mission is to post the news unfiltered and without spin. We are not here to pick a side. We are here to deliver The Naked Truth. 


For example, If it is 100 degrees outside today, We will let you know it's 100 degrees. We will not try to explain why it is 100 degrees, not because of global warming or climate change, and not because the moon is closer to the earth today. The plain fact is that it is 100 degrees. That is our mission plain and simple. We think that the citizens of this planet, the Naked Planet are smart enough to hear the straight news! 

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